alat tes digital kadar guladarah	onetouch
alat tes digital kadar guladarah	onetouch

alat tes digital kadar guladarah onetouch

5 (1 votes)


Fiture and specifications Manufactured by Lifescan (Johnson&Johnson Company) USA Made in China Lifetime warranty Accurate results in 5 seconds Another…
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Fiture and specifications

  • Manufactured by Lifescan (Johnson&Johnson Company) USA
  • Made in China
  • Lifetime warranty
  • Accurate results in 5 seconds
  • Another choice for testing not just the fingertip
  • Includes ultrasoft blood sampler for more comfortable testing
  • FastDraw design with capillary action makes testing easier
  • Simple 3-step testing

    1. Insert test strip
    2. Apply blood sample
    3. Accurate results in just 5 seconds

    Daftar isi produk

  • Onetouch ultra blood glucose meter
  • 10 Onetouch ultra test strips
  • Onetouch ultra control solution
  • Onetouch ultrasoft adjustable blood sampler
  • 10 onetouch ultrasoft lancets
  • Sporty carrying case
  • Logbook
  • Owner’s Booklet
  • Quick refference guide
  • Battery included
  • Detail Produk

    Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

    Fiture and specifications

  • Manufactured by Lifescan (Johnson&Johnson Company) USA
  • Made in China
  • Lifetime warranty
  • Accurate results in 5 seconds
  • Another choice for testing not just the fingertip
  • Includes ultrasoft blood sampler for more comfortable testing
  • FastDraw design with capillary action makes testing easier
  • Simple 3-step testing

    1. Insert test strip
    2. Apply blood sample
    3. Accurate results in just 5 seconds

    Daftar isi produk

  • Onetouch ultra blood glucose meter
  • 10 Onetouch ultra test strips
  • Onetouch ultra control solution
  • Onetouch ultrasoft adjustable blood sampler
  • 10 onetouch ultrasoft lancets
  • Sporty carrying case
  • Logbook
  • Owner’s Booklet
  • Quick refference guide
  • Battery included
  • Tulis Komentar Anda

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