alat tes kadar hemoglobin 	quichek
alat tes kadar hemoglobin 	quichek

alat tes kadar hemoglobin quichek

5 (1 votes)


HB Hemoglobin testing system - Accurate - Reliable - Easy to use -For testing haemoglobin & hematockrit in whole blood…
sold out

HB Hemoglobin testing system
– Accurate
– Reliable
– Easy to use

-For testing haemoglobin & hematockrit in whole blood


1 Meter
5 Test Strips
1 Code Chip
3 AAA Batteries
1 Carrying Case
1 Lancing Device
10 Sterile Lancets
2 Control Strips
1 Control Strip Insert
1 Manual Book
1 Strip Insert
1 Lancing Device Insert
1 Warranty Card

Produk Pernah Dilihat

Detail Produk

Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

HB Hemoglobin testing system
– Accurate
– Reliable
– Easy to use

-For testing haemoglobin & hematockrit in whole blood


1 Meter
5 Test Strips
1 Code Chip
3 AAA Batteries
1 Carrying Case
1 Lancing Device
10 Sterile Lancets
2 Control Strips
1 Control Strip Insert
1 Manual Book
1 Strip Insert
1 Lancing Device Insert
1 Warranty Card

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