Analytical balance	Radwag AS 220, capacity 220gx0,0001 gram
Analytical balance	Radwag AS 220, capacity 220gx0,0001 gram

Analytical balance Radwag AS 220, capacity 220gx0,0001 gram

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Product Features Capacity (Dual Range) = 82 & 220 Grams - European Made Analytical Balance with Auto Calibration and 2…
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Product Features

  • Capacity (Dual Range) = 82 & 220 Grams – European Made Analytical Balance with Auto Calibration and 2 Year Warranty!
  • Readability = 0.00001 g (0.01 mg) & 0.0001 grams (0.1 mg)
  • Repeatabililty = +/- 0.00003 g (82g) / +/- 0.0001 g (220g)
  • Linearity = +/- 0.00007 (82g) +/- 0.0002 g (220g)
  • Automatic Internal Calibration & Full Size Glass Draft Shield
Auto-Cal System
Auto-Cal system is a tool for control and correction, which allows accurate weighing regardless of changes in temperature, the position of the balance or changing environmental conditions. This allows the R-series balances to offer accuracy in all conditions.Repeatability
The monolithic system ensures even greater accuracy and repeatability of weighing due to consolidation of elements of the balance structure. Using such technology results in higher quality balances.Operating temperature range
A wide operating temperature range does not require continuous monitor and control of room temperature, which affects the accuracy of the balance.

Resistance to ambient conditions
Increased resistance to fluctuating ambient conditions such as breezes and changes in humidity provides more accurate measurements.

Easy exchange of data
Exchange of data within the system takes place bidirectionally with the use of fast USB connection. New balances enable importing and exporting of databases to external Pendrives.

Fast access to information
Direct access to functions and databases is possible through the quick access buttons on the display.
Database – direct access to database
Function – direct access to basic functions
F1 do F4 – programmable function buttons and menu navigation

Communication interface
The exchange of database information between the devices has become even easier thanks to two USB ports (type A and B) and Wi-Fi technology.

Information system
The new R-series balances feature information system, based on five types of databases, users with sufficient access rights to use the database of multiple products.
The weighments collected in the weighing database can be further analysed:
• users (up to 10 users),
• products (up to 1000 products),
• weighments (up to 1000 weightments),
• tares (up to 10 tares),
• ALIBI memory (up to 100 000 measurements)

Large easy to read LCD
New LCD display with enlarged characters allows for a clearer display of measurement results.

Multilanguage menu
The new R-series balances allow for the implementation of any language based on the Latin alphabet.

Pictograms and units
The application of pictograms increases the clarity of the display and facilitates more intuitive navigation through the balance settings. The new R-series balances use pictograms for displaying working mode, connection with the PC, battery level, as well as weighing and service functions.

Additional information line
New information line allows for additional messages and information, for instance: product name or tare value.

Access to the security sensitive data is only possible when logged-in. The access level is set up from the administrator level.

ALIBI memory
ALIBI memory is non-deletable storage, protecting weighing data . It has the capacity of up to 100 000 weighing records. This ensures both security and flexibility of storing data over longer periods of time.

Archiving and data exchange
In order to save the data, the reports from the processes and partial measurements can be transferred to external devices via USB interface. Additionally, it offers more control over working process, as well as restoring the data and coping settings between balances.

Configurable printouts
In the new R-series balances the weighment reports are divided into 3 configurable sections, each of which can be fully customised content-wise.

The new R-series balances work with the printers that support PCL protocol. The printers are connected with the balances via USB port.

Cooperation with PW-WIN / RADKEY
The new R-series balances allow for printouts to be sent directly to PW-WIN and RADKEY software, which facilitates their further analysis. The measurement transfer can be carried out by using Wi-Fi and USB interface depending on the needs.

Detail Produk


Product Features

  • Capacity (Dual Range) = 82 & 220 Grams – European Made Analytical Balance with Auto Calibration and 2 Year Warranty!
  • Readability = 0.00001 g (0.01 mg) & 0.0001 grams (0.1 mg)
  • Repeatabililty = +/- 0.00003 g (82g) / +/- 0.0001 g (220g)
  • Linearity = +/- 0.00007 (82g) +/- 0.0002 g (220g)
  • Automatic Internal Calibration & Full Size Glass Draft Shield
Auto-Cal System
Auto-Cal system is a tool for control and correction, which allows accurate weighing regardless of changes in temperature, the position of the balance or changing environmental conditions. This allows the R-series balances to offer accuracy in all conditions.Repeatability
The monolithic system ensures even greater accuracy and repeatability of weighing due to consolidation of elements of the balance structure. Using such technology results in higher quality balances.Operating temperature range
A wide operating temperature range does not require continuous monitor and control of room temperature, which affects the accuracy of the balance.

Resistance to ambient conditions
Increased resistance to fluctuating ambient conditions such as breezes and changes in humidity provides more accurate measurements.

Easy exchange of data
Exchange of data within the system takes place bidirectionally with the use of fast USB connection. New balances enable importing and exporting of databases to external Pendrives.

Fast access to information
Direct access to functions and databases is possible through the quick access buttons on the display.
Database – direct access to database
Function – direct access to basic functions
F1 do F4 – programmable function buttons and menu navigation

Communication interface
The exchange of database information between the devices has become even easier thanks to two USB ports (type A and B) and Wi-Fi technology.

Information system
The new R-series balances feature information system, based on five types of databases, users with sufficient access rights to use the database of multiple products.
The weighments collected in the weighing database can be further analysed:
• users (up to 10 users),
• products (up to 1000 products),
• weighments (up to 1000 weightments),
• tares (up to 10 tares),
• ALIBI memory (up to 100 000 measurements)

Large easy to read LCD
New LCD display with enlarged characters allows for a clearer display of measurement results.

Multilanguage menu
The new R-series balances allow for the implementation of any language based on the Latin alphabet.

Pictograms and units
The application of pictograms increases the clarity of the display and facilitates more intuitive navigation through the balance settings. The new R-series balances use pictograms for displaying working mode, connection with the PC, battery level, as well as weighing and service functions.

Additional information line
New information line allows for additional messages and information, for instance: product name or tare value.

Access to the security sensitive data is only possible when logged-in. The access level is set up from the administrator level.

ALIBI memory
ALIBI memory is non-deletable storage, protecting weighing data . It has the capacity of up to 100 000 weighing records. This ensures both security and flexibility of storing data over longer periods of time.

Archiving and data exchange
In order to save the data, the reports from the processes and partial measurements can be transferred to external devices via USB interface. Additionally, it offers more control over working process, as well as restoring the data and coping settings between balances.

Configurable printouts
In the new R-series balances the weighment reports are divided into 3 configurable sections, each of which can be fully customised content-wise.

The new R-series balances work with the printers that support PCL protocol. The printers are connected with the balances via USB port.

Cooperation with PW-WIN / RADKEY
The new R-series balances allow for printouts to be sent directly to PW-WIN and RADKEY software, which facilitates their further analysis. The measurement transfer can be carried out by using Wi-Fi and USB interface depending on the needs.

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