Family Planning Educator Gaumard S502
Family Planning Educator Gaumard S502

Family Planning Educator Gaumard S502

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Our family planning educator is a popular “desktop” simulator for demonstration of introduction and removal of an IUD, diaphragm, and…
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Our family planning educator is a popular “desktop” simulator for demonstration of introduction and removal of an IUD, diaphragm, and sponge contraception devices. In addition, bi-manual examination technique may be practiced and normal and abnormal uterine positions may be demonstrated. The vulva is made of ultra-soft vinyl to give lifelike feel and flexibility.

•    One anteverted uterus with clear upper half to illustrate correct position of IUD
•    One uterus to illustrate normal anteversion and retroversion
•    Cervix with patent os attaches to uterus suspended within pelvic cavity
•    Soft plastic stomach cover
•    Instruction manual
•    Soft carrying bag

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

Our family planning educator is a popular “desktop” simulator for demonstration of introduction and removal of an IUD, diaphragm, and sponge contraception devices. In addition, bi-manual examination technique may be practiced and normal and abnormal uterine positions may be demonstrated. The vulva is made of ultra-soft vinyl to give lifelike feel and flexibility.

•    One anteverted uterus with clear upper half to illustrate correct position of IUD
•    One uterus to illustrate normal anteversion and retroversion
•    Cervix with patent os attaches to uterus suspended within pelvic cavity
•    Soft plastic stomach cover
•    Instruction manual
•    Soft carrying bag

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