Female Condom Training Model Gaumard S509
Female Condom Training Model Gaumard S509

Female Condom Training Model Gaumard S509

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Female Condom Training Model S509 This model may be placed in the client's lap to simulate the position in which…
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Female Condom Training Model S509

This model may be placed in the client’s lap to simulate the position in which the female condom should be inserted.

• Demonstration of use of female condom, contraceptive sponge, and cervical cap
• Life-size anteverted uterus in simulated pelvic cavity
• Cervix attaches to uterus with patented “screw” design.
• Soft vulva and vagina
• Soft plastic stomach cover
• Instruction manual
• Soft carrying bag

Made in USA by Gaumard Scientific.


Detail Produk

Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

Female Condom Training Model S509

This model may be placed in the client’s lap to simulate the position in which the female condom should be inserted.

• Demonstration of use of female condom, contraceptive sponge, and cervical cap
• Life-size anteverted uterus in simulated pelvic cavity
• Cervix attaches to uterus with patented “screw” design.
• Soft vulva and vagina
• Soft plastic stomach cover
• Instruction manual
• Soft carrying bag

Made in USA by Gaumard Scientific.


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