Female Pelvis Contraceptive Model Healthedco 26462
Female Pelvis Contraceptive Model Healthedco 26462

Female Pelvis Contraceptive Model Healthedco 26462

5 (1 votes)


Product Description There are some things people simply shouldn't try without practicing first and using a female contraceptive device is…
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Product Description

There are some things people simply shouldn’t try without practicing first and using a female contraceptive device is one of them. Learning to properly insert a female condom, diaphragm, cervical cap, contraceptive sponge, or spermicide takes time, and this easy-to-use economical BIOLIKE 2 model provides everything needed for mastering the correct techniques. A small cutaway “window” helps users see whether the cervix is adequately covered. Contraceptives not included. 4½” x 2½” x 3″.

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

Product Description

There are some things people simply shouldn’t try without practicing first and using a female contraceptive device is one of them. Learning to properly insert a female condom, diaphragm, cervical cap, contraceptive sponge, or spermicide takes time, and this easy-to-use economical BIOLIKE 2 model provides everything needed for mastering the correct techniques. A small cutaway “window” helps users see whether the cervix is adequately covered. Contraceptives not included. 4½” x 2½” x 3″.

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