Fukudha dhensi UF760AG
Fukudha dhensi UF760AGFukudha dhensi UF760AGFukudha dhensi UF760AG

Fukudha dhensi UF760AG

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Pembayaran cash / kredit kredit : uang muka 30% jangka waktu kredit 3 tahun   FULLY DIGITAL ULTRASOUND SYSTEM UF-760AG…
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kredit : uang muka 30%

jangka waktu kredit 3 tahun




A High Performance Portable Color Ultrasound Unit Designed for a Wide Array of Specialty Markets The UF-760AG unit is extremely versatile, offering advanced imaging technologies to improve diagnostic confidence. The system is highly suited for a wide array of clinical applications including , cardiac (Adult and pediatric), peripheral vascular, abdominal, pediatric, small organ, neonatal/adult cephalic, transcranial, breast, musculo-skeletal and obstetrics and gynecology exams. Many of the features offered on the UF-760AG system are only found on premium ultrasound systems. These include 3D / 4D, CW Doppler, PW Doppler, Color Doppler, stress echo, spatial compounding, speckle reduction, tissue harmonic and tissue specific imaging. However the UF-760AG is the only portable system offering two probe connectors for maximum user comfort and flexibility. The UF-760AG is lightweight and designed for use in any location. The system has an on-board imaging archive for more than 150,000 still images. With a 15-inch matrix (TFT) LCD flat monitor, the battery life is approximately 1 hour. The UF-760AG system’s architecture is designed to accommodate future upgrades as imaging technology advances

  • Cardio Package (including Anatomical M-mode)
  • CW Doppler
  • Stress Echo Package
  • Trapezoidal Imaging
  • Easy Optimizaion
  • Spatial Compounding
  • 3D / 4D
  • Long Cine Loop
  • DICOM MWL, Store SCU

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

Pembayaran cash / kredit

kredit : uang muka 30%

jangka waktu kredit 3 tahun




A High Performance Portable Color Ultrasound Unit Designed for a Wide Array of Specialty Markets The UF-760AG unit is extremely versatile, offering advanced imaging technologies to improve diagnostic confidence. The system is highly suited for a wide array of clinical applications including , cardiac (Adult and pediatric), peripheral vascular, abdominal, pediatric, small organ, neonatal/adult cephalic, transcranial, breast, musculo-skeletal and obstetrics and gynecology exams. Many of the features offered on the UF-760AG system are only found on premium ultrasound systems. These include 3D / 4D, CW Doppler, PW Doppler, Color Doppler, stress echo, spatial compounding, speckle reduction, tissue harmonic and tissue specific imaging. However the UF-760AG is the only portable system offering two probe connectors for maximum user comfort and flexibility. The UF-760AG is lightweight and designed for use in any location. The system has an on-board imaging archive for more than 150,000 still images. With a 15-inch matrix (TFT) LCD flat monitor, the battery life is approximately 1 hour. The UF-760AG system’s architecture is designed to accommodate future upgrades as imaging technology advances

  • Cardio Package (including Anatomical M-mode)
  • CW Doppler
  • Stress Echo Package
  • Trapezoidal Imaging
  • Easy Optimizaion
  • Spatial Compounding
  • 3D / 4D
  • Long Cine Loop
  • DICOM MWL, Store SCU

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