GD/A11302 Muscles of Male
GD/A11302 Muscles of Male

GD/A11302 Muscles of Male

5 (1 votes)


Features: 1.  This model consists of 18 parts, such as muscles of chest wall and abdomen, muscles of upper and…
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1.  This model consists of 18 parts, such as muscles of chest wall and abdomen, muscles of upper and lower limbs, skull, etc.
2.  It shows the structure of head, neck, torso, upper and lower limbs, muscles, muscle tendon, ligaments, etc.

Size: GD/A11302/1: 78cmx16cmx12cm,
GD/A11302/2: 170cmx40cmx20cm
Material: Imported PVC and paint

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

1.  This model consists of 18 parts, such as muscles of chest wall and abdomen, muscles of upper and lower limbs, skull, etc.
2.  It shows the structure of head, neck, torso, upper and lower limbs, muscles, muscle tendon, ligaments, etc.

Size: GD/A11302/1: 78cmx16cmx12cm,
GD/A11302/2: 170cmx40cmx20cm
Material: Imported PVC and paint

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