GD/A11307 Muscles of Hand with Main Vessels and Nerves
GD/A11307 Muscles of Hand with Main Vessels and Nerves

GD/A11307 Muscles of Hand with Main Vessels and Nerves

5 (1 votes)


Features: 1.  The model shows the networks of blood vessels and nerves, ligamentous apparatus. 2.  Separated into 5 parts and…
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1.  The model shows the networks of blood vessels and nerves, ligamentous apparatus.
2.  Separated into 5 parts and 42 positions are displayed.

Size: 22.5cmx13.5cmx5.5cm
Material: Imported PVC and paint

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

1.  The model shows the networks of blood vessels and nerves, ligamentous apparatus.
2.  Separated into 5 parts and 42 positions are displayed.

Size: 22.5cmx13.5cmx5.5cm
Material: Imported PVC and paint

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