GD/A13004 Larynx
GD/A13004 Larynx

GD/A13004 Larynx

5 (1 votes)


Features: 1.  A life-size model sectioned longitudinally to reveal details of internal structures, including laryngeal cartilages, laryngeal muscles, laryngeal cavity,…
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1.  A life-size model sectioned longitudinally to reveal details of internal structures, including laryngeal cartilages, laryngeal muscles, laryngeal cavity, muscle, vessels, nerves, and thyroid gland.

2.  The model consists of two parts and 33 positions are displayed.

Size: Life size, 18.5cm*7cm*8cm

Material: Advanced PVC and paint


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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN


1.  A life-size model sectioned longitudinally to reveal details of internal structures, including laryngeal cartilages, laryngeal muscles, laryngeal cavity, muscle, vessels, nerves, and thyroid gland.

2.  The model consists of two parts and 33 positions are displayed.

Size: Life size, 18.5cm*7cm*8cm

Material: Advanced PVC and paint


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