GD/A13005 Functional Model of Larynx
GD/A13005 Functional Model of Larynx

GD/A13005 Functional Model of Larynx

5 (1 votes)


Features: 1.  This model shows the anatomical structure of laryngeal cartilages, laryngeal muscles, and laryngeal cavity. 2.  Cricoarytenoid joint can be moved,…
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1.  This model shows the anatomical structure of laryngeal cartilages, laryngeal muscles, and laryngeal cavity.

2.  Cricoarytenoid joint can be moved, simulating opened or closed glottis.

3.  24 positions are displayed.


Size: Three times of life size, 30cm*15cm*14cm

Material: Advanced PVC and paint


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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN


1.  This model shows the anatomical structure of laryngeal cartilages, laryngeal muscles, and laryngeal cavity.

2.  Cricoarytenoid joint can be moved, simulating opened or closed glottis.

3.  24 positions are displayed.


Size: Three times of life size, 30cm*15cm*14cm

Material: Advanced PVC and paint


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