GD/A13011 Lobule and Alveolus of Lung
GD/A13011 Lobule and Alveolus of Lung

GD/A13011 Lobule and Alveolus of Lung

5 (1 votes)


Features: 1.  This unit consists of Lobule model and Alveolus model. 2.  GD/A13011/1: Magnified lobule shows terminal bronchiole, respiratory bronchiole, alveolar…
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1.  This unit consists of Lobule model and Alveolus model.

2.  GD/A13011/1: Magnified lobule shows terminal bronchiole, respiratory bronchiole, alveolar epithelium, etc. 25 positions are displayed.
Size: 28cm*21cm*14.5cm
Material: Advanced PVC and paint
3.  GD/A13011/2: Magnified alveolus shows alveolus, alveolar epithelium,alveolar saccules, alveolar ducts and alveolar capillary. 10 parts are displayed.
Size: Magnified, 16.5cm*21cm*8cm
Material: Advanced PVC and paint

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN


1.  This unit consists of Lobule model and Alveolus model.

2.  GD/A13011/1: Magnified lobule shows terminal bronchiole, respiratory bronchiole, alveolar epithelium, etc. 25 positions are displayed.
Size: 28cm*21cm*14.5cm
Material: Advanced PVC and paint
3.  GD/A13011/2: Magnified alveolus shows alveolus, alveolar epithelium,alveolar saccules, alveolar ducts and alveolar capillary. 10 parts are displayed.
Size: Magnified, 16.5cm*21cm*8cm
Material: Advanced PVC and paint

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