GD/A18001 Neuron Model
GD/A18001 Neuron Model

GD/A18001 Neuron Model

5 (1 votes)


Features: 1.  Consists of two parts, including neuron body and neuron fiber. 2.  Shows neuraxon hillock, dendritic arbor, neurofilament, etc.…
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1.  Consists of two parts, including neuron body and neuron fiber.

2.  Shows neuraxon hillock, dendritic arbor, neurofilament, etc.

3.  15 positions are displayed

Size: 2500 times of Life size, 38.5cm*28cm*13cm

Material: Advanced PVC and paint


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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN


1.  Consists of two parts, including neuron body and neuron fiber.

2.  Shows neuraxon hillock, dendritic arbor, neurofilament, etc.

3.  15 positions are displayed

Size: 2500 times of Life size, 38.5cm*28cm*13cm

Material: Advanced PVC and paint


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