GD/B10006 Development of a set of Teeth
GD/B10006 Development of a set of Teeth

GD/B10006 Development of a set of Teeth

5 (1 votes)


Features:1.  The model shows the development from temporary teeth to the germination of the permanent teeth, demonstrating the teeth at…
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1.  The model shows the development from temporary teeth to the germination of the permanent teeth, demonstrating the teeth at the ages of less than 6 months, 2 years, 5 to 7 years, 17 to 26 years.

2.  Each model shows the upper and lower jaws of right side. They demonstrate the procedures of the germination of temporary teeth, replacement of the teeth, the germination of the permanent teeth, as well as the development of the upper and lower jaws and maxillary sinus.

3.  18 positions are displayed


Size: life size

Material: Advanced PVC


Detail Produk

Kategori : LAIN-LAIN


1.  The model shows the development from temporary teeth to the germination of the permanent teeth, demonstrating the teeth at the ages of less than 6 months, 2 years, 5 to 7 years, 17 to 26 years.

2.  Each model shows the upper and lower jaws of right side. They demonstrate the procedures of the germination of temporary teeth, replacement of the teeth, the germination of the permanent teeth, as well as the development of the upper and lower jaws and maxillary sinus.

3.  18 positions are displayed


Size: life size

Material: Advanced PVC


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