GD/B10010 Transparent Adult Teeth Model
GD/B10010 Transparent Adult Teeth Model

GD/B10010 Transparent Adult Teeth Model

5 (1 votes)


Features:The model includes maxillary dentition and mandibular dentition, and displays the appearance and structure of maxillary teeth and mandibular teeth;…
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The model includes maxillary dentition and mandibular dentition, and displays the appearance and structure of maxillary teeth and mandibular teeth; a total of 16 parts of indication signs;


Size: 6.5cm*8cm*6cm

Material: Imported PVC and paint, color matching by computer, advanced color painting

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN


The model includes maxillary dentition and mandibular dentition, and displays the appearance and structure of maxillary teeth and mandibular teeth; a total of 16 parts of indication signs;


Size: 6.5cm*8cm*6cm

Material: Imported PVC and paint, color matching by computer, advanced color painting

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