GD/B10017 Dental Diseases Model
GD/B10017 Dental Diseases Model

GD/B10017 Dental Diseases Model

5 (1 votes)


Features:1.  This model consists of 12 parts, such as normal teeth,pulpitis, paradentitis teeth, decayed teeth, filling dental, etc.2.  12 positions…
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1.  This model consists of 12 parts, such as normal teeth,pulpitis, paradentitis teeth, decayed teeth, filling dental, etc.

2.  12 positions are displayed.


Size: 25cm*32cm*2cm

Material: Advanced PVC

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN


1.  This model consists of 12 parts, such as normal teeth,pulpitis, paradentitis teeth, decayed teeth, filling dental, etc.

2.  12 positions are displayed.


Size: 25cm*32cm*2cm

Material: Advanced PVC

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