GD/B10041 Mandibular Anatomy Model
GD/B10041 Mandibular Anatomy Model

GD/B10041 Mandibular Anatomy Model

5 (1 votes)


Features:Show the comparison of normal anatomy and pathological anatomy teeth, such as wedge-shaped erosion, dental caries, periapical abscess, apical granuloma,…
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Show the comparison of normal anatomy and pathological anatomy teeth, such as wedge-shaped erosion, dental caries, periapical abscess, apical granuloma, impacted teeth,nerves, artery and vein in the mandibular canal, etc.

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN


Show the comparison of normal anatomy and pathological anatomy teeth, such as wedge-shaped erosion, dental caries, periapical abscess, apical granuloma, impacted teeth,nerves, artery and vein in the mandibular canal, etc.

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