GD/CPR200S Advanced CPR Training Manikin
GD/CPR200S Advanced CPR Training Manikin

GD/CPR200S Advanced CPR Training Manikin

5 (1 votes)


mplement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2005 guideline for CPR and ECC CPR manikin features: 1.  Clear anatomic characteristic, realistic…
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mplement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2005 guideline for CPR and ECC

CPR manikin features:

1.  Clear anatomic characteristic, realistic touch feeling and lifelike skin color, vivid appearance;

2.  Simulate vital signs:

1) Pupil state: contrast observation of pupils, one is dilated, the other one is contracted;

 2) Carotid artery response: squeeze the rubber ball to simulate carotid artery pulse;

3.  Open airway, the airway indicator will turn green;

4.  Can perform artificial respiration and extracardial compression

CPR Monitor functions:

1.  Available CPR training;

2.  Electronic monitoring of compression site

3.  Indicators show inflation volume, correct inflation volume: 500/600ml—1000ml;

1) Insufficient inflation volume, yellow indicator

2) Proper inflation volume, green indicator

3) Excessive inflation volume, red indicator

4.  Indicators show compression depth: correct compression depth: 4-5cm

1) Insufficient compression depth, yellow indicator;

2) Proper compression depth, green indicator

3) Excessive compression depth, red indicator;

5.  Operation frequency: 100times/min, with “tick” sound ;

6.  Operation cycle: 2 valid inflation after 30 valid compression, 5 cycles;

7.  Power : 220V, 6V output powder via manostat;  or use 4pcs 1 battery

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

mplement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2005 guideline for CPR and ECC

CPR manikin features:

1.  Clear anatomic characteristic, realistic touch feeling and lifelike skin color, vivid appearance;

2.  Simulate vital signs:

1) Pupil state: contrast observation of pupils, one is dilated, the other one is contracted;

 2) Carotid artery response: squeeze the rubber ball to simulate carotid artery pulse;

3.  Open airway, the airway indicator will turn green;

4.  Can perform artificial respiration and extracardial compression

CPR Monitor functions:

1.  Available CPR training;

2.  Electronic monitoring of compression site

3.  Indicators show inflation volume, correct inflation volume: 500/600ml—1000ml;

1) Insufficient inflation volume, yellow indicator

2) Proper inflation volume, green indicator

3) Excessive inflation volume, red indicator

4.  Indicators show compression depth: correct compression depth: 4-5cm

1) Insufficient compression depth, yellow indicator;

2) Proper compression depth, green indicator

3) Excessive compression depth, red indicator;

5.  Operation frequency: 100times/min, with “tick” sound ;

6.  Operation cycle: 2 valid inflation after 30 valid compression, 5 cycles;

7.  Power : 220V, 6V output powder via manostat;  or use 4pcs 1 battery

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