GD/H16E Transparent Catheterization Simulator(Male)
GD/H16E Transparent Catheterization Simulator(Male)

GD/H16E Transparent Catheterization Simulator(Male)

5 (1 votes)


Features: 1.  We design this simulator basing on the normal human anatomy. 2.  The external genitalia are lifelike. Students can…
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1.  We design this simulator basing on the normal human anatomy.

2.  The external genitalia are lifelike. Students can observe the organs in the pelvis, such as bladder, rectum.

3.  The whole catheterization process can be seen because of the transparent abdominal wall.

4.  The resistance will be felt when intubating, just as in real human. The external genitalia can be replaced.



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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN


1.  We design this simulator basing on the normal human anatomy.

2.  The external genitalia are lifelike. Students can observe the organs in the pelvis, such as bladder, rectum.

3.  The whole catheterization process can be seen because of the transparent abdominal wall.

4.  The resistance will be felt when intubating, just as in real human. The external genitalia can be replaced.



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