GD/H88 Swallow Mechanism Simulator
GD/H88 Swallow Mechanism Simulator

GD/H88 Swallow Mechanism Simulator

5 (1 votes)


Features: 1.  The mechanism of swallow 2.  The causes of mistaking swallow 3.  Correct posture of eating 4.  The relationship…
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1.  The mechanism of swallow

2.  The causes of mistaking swallow

3.  Correct posture of eating

4.  The relationship between the angle of neck and mistaking swallow

5.  Emergency rescue for mistaking swallow

6.  Swallow training with oral cavity care

7.  Intubation feeding

8.  Internal absorption of oral cavity

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN


1.  The mechanism of swallow

2.  The causes of mistaking swallow

3.  Correct posture of eating

4.  The relationship between the angle of neck and mistaking swallow

5.  Emergency rescue for mistaking swallow

6.  Swallow training with oral cavity care

7.  Intubation feeding

8.  Internal absorption of oral cavity

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