GD/HS37 Infant Artery Puncture Arm
GD/HS37 Infant Artery Puncture Arm

GD/HS37 Infant Artery Puncture Arm

5 (1 votes)


Life size of infant left arm and obvious osteal identification marker Features: 1.  Simulate radial artery pulse by pulse bulb…
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Life size of infant left arm and obvious osteal identification marker


1.  Simulate radial artery pulse by pulse bulb manually, and confirm the injection site;

2.  Provide trainings of Radial artery puncture, haemospasia, transfusion; there is obvious feeling when needle penetrates into the vein, and blood flash back indicates accurate insertion.

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

Life size of infant left arm and obvious osteal identification marker


1.  Simulate radial artery pulse by pulse bulb manually, and confirm the injection site;

2.  Provide trainings of Radial artery puncture, haemospasia, transfusion; there is obvious feeling when needle penetrates into the vein, and blood flash back indicates accurate insertion.

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