GD/HS6F Infant Venipuncture Head
GD/HS6F Infant Venipuncture Head

GD/HS6F Infant Venipuncture Head

5 (1 votes)


Features: 1.  The model represents whole infant head and necks. It consists of main cephalic veins, including venae temporales superficiales,…
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1.  The model represents whole infant head and necks. It consists of main cephalic veins, including venae temporales superficiales, venae frontales, vena supraorbitalis, superior sagittal sinus and etc. You can exercise scalp venipuncture, hemospasia and superior sagittal sinus puncture.

2.  There is obvious feeling when needle penetrates into the veins. Blood flashback indicates proper insertion.

3.  These operations won’t cause leaks

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN


1.  The model represents whole infant head and necks. It consists of main cephalic veins, including venae temporales superficiales, venae frontales, vena supraorbitalis, superior sagittal sinus and etc. You can exercise scalp venipuncture, hemospasia and superior sagittal sinus puncture.

2.  There is obvious feeling when needle penetrates into the veins. Blood flashback indicates proper insertion.

3.  These operations won’t cause leaks

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