GD/J58 Tracheostomy Simulator
GD/J58 Tracheostomy Simulator

GD/J58 Tracheostomy Simulator

5 (1 votes)


Features: 1.  Trachea anatomy is standard; trachea is touchable. 2.  Simulate dorsal position and neck extending 3.  Percutaneous tracheostomy, including…
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1.  Trachea anatomy is standard; trachea is touchable.

2.  Simulate dorsal position and neck extending

3.  Percutaneous tracheostomy, including various incision: longitudinal incision, transverse incision, crisscross incision, U shape and inverted-U shape incision

4.  Cricothyrotomy endotracheal intubation

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN


1.  Trachea anatomy is standard; trachea is touchable.

2.  Simulate dorsal position and neck extending

3.  Percutaneous tracheostomy, including various incision: longitudinal incision, transverse incision, crisscross incision, U shape and inverted-U shape incision

4.  Cricothyrotomy endotracheal intubation

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