GD/J5S Electronic Tracheal Intubation Simulator
GD/J5S Electronic Tracheal Intubation Simulator

GD/J5S Electronic Tracheal Intubation Simulator

5 (1 votes)


Features: 1.  Accurate anatomical marks 2.  Oral or nasal cavity intubation 3.  Wrong operation, stomach inflation or laryngoscope compressing the…
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1.  Accurate anatomical marks

2.  Oral or nasal cavity intubation

3.  Wrong operation, stomach inflation or laryngoscope compressing the teeth will activate warning prompting.

4.  One proper pupil and another mydriasis

Detail Produk

Kategori : LAIN-LAIN


1.  Accurate anatomical marks

2.  Oral or nasal cavity intubation

3.  Wrong operation, stomach inflation or laryngoscope compressing the teeth will activate warning prompting.

4.  One proper pupil and another mydriasis

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