Genova Life Science Analyzer
Genova Life Science Analyzer

Genova Life Science Analyzer

5 (1 votes)


Dedicated software for DNA/RNA and protein chemistry Self-calibrating Small footprint Scanning with 5 nm slit width Guaranteed lamp life of…
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Dedicated software for DNA/RNA and protein chemistry

Small footprint
Scanning with 5 nm slit width
Guaranteed lamp life of three years
Designed for quantitive analysis of genomic and proteomic samples.Unique xenon lamp emits 40% of its energy below 400 nm, causing 5 to 10 times more energy to be evident in the UV region compared to standard lamp configurations. Resulting energy increase produces a greater signal with less background noise for better protein, peptide or DNA study. Upon start-up, automatic three-point calibration is performed at 247, 528 and 824 nm with a printout for G.M.P. Whether quantifying PCR products,ssDNA, dsDNA, RNA or monitoring cell growth, software has all the calculations and factors needed to perform Bradford-Lowry tests, 260/280 or 260/230 ratios, as well as absorbance, transmittance, concentration wavelength and more.

Range 198-1000 nm
Accuracy ±2 nm
Resolution 1 nm
Bandwidth 5 nm
Range -3 to 1999 Concentration
Resolution 0.1/1
Units ppm, mg/l1, g/l1, M, blank
Range 0 to 199.9%
Accuracy ±1%
Resolution 0.1%
Stray Light <0.5%T @ 340 & 220 nm Absorbance: Range -0.300 to 1.999A Resolution 0.001A

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

Dedicated software for DNA/RNA and protein chemistry

Small footprint
Scanning with 5 nm slit width
Guaranteed lamp life of three years
Designed for quantitive analysis of genomic and proteomic samples.Unique xenon lamp emits 40% of its energy below 400 nm, causing 5 to 10 times more energy to be evident in the UV region compared to standard lamp configurations. Resulting energy increase produces a greater signal with less background noise for better protein, peptide or DNA study. Upon start-up, automatic three-point calibration is performed at 247, 528 and 824 nm with a printout for G.M.P. Whether quantifying PCR products,ssDNA, dsDNA, RNA or monitoring cell growth, software has all the calculations and factors needed to perform Bradford-Lowry tests, 260/280 or 260/230 ratios, as well as absorbance, transmittance, concentration wavelength and more.

Range 198-1000 nm
Accuracy ±2 nm
Resolution 1 nm
Bandwidth 5 nm
Range -3 to 1999 Concentration
Resolution 0.1/1
Units ppm, mg/l1, g/l1, M, blank
Range 0 to 199.9%
Accuracy ±1%
Resolution 0.1%
Stray Light <0.5%T @ 340 & 220 nm Absorbance: Range -0.300 to 1.999A Resolution 0.001A

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