Model SP-3420A – Gas Chromatograph
Model SP-3420A – Gas Chromatograph

Model SP-3420A – Gas Chromatograph

5 (1 votes)


Self-diagnostic function:  1)Core tests; 2) Automatic tests; 3) Extended tests; 4) Basic tests; Monitor the status of GC continuously. Once…
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Self-diagnostic function:

 1)Core tests;

2) Automatic tests;

3) Extended tests;

4) Basic tests; Monitor the status of GC continuously. Once finding faults, it’ll display the information and show the wrong zone and the settling method.

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Self-diagnostic function:

 1)Core tests;

2) Automatic tests;

3) Extended tests;

4) Basic tests; Monitor the status of GC continuously. Once finding faults, it’ll display the information and show the wrong zone and the settling method.

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