NOELLE® Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Torso Gaumard S552
NOELLE® Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Torso Gaumard S552

NOELLE® Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Torso Gaumard S552

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NOELLE® S552 Maternal Birthing Torso   Features     • Full size upper and lower female torso • Removable stomach cover…
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NOELLE® S552 Maternal Birthing Torso



• Full size upper and lower female torso
• Removable stomach cover
• One articulating birthing baby with umbilical cord and placenta
• Automatic birthing system that rotates baby as it moves through the birth canal
• Measure head descent and cervical dilation
• Multiple placenta positions
• Replaceable dilating cervices
• Practice postpartum suturing on vulval inserts
• Practice Leopold Maneuvers

Supplied with:

• Two umbilical cords
• Two dilating cervices
• Two umbilical clamps
• Two vulval inserts
• One Omni™ controller
• Three vulva for postpartum suturing
• Talcum powder and silicone lubricant
• NOELLE® training guide
• NOELLE® teaching guide with scenarios
• Carrying bag

Detail Produk

Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

NOELLE® S552 Maternal Birthing Torso



• Full size upper and lower female torso
• Removable stomach cover
• One articulating birthing baby with umbilical cord and placenta
• Automatic birthing system that rotates baby as it moves through the birth canal
• Measure head descent and cervical dilation
• Multiple placenta positions
• Replaceable dilating cervices
• Practice postpartum suturing on vulval inserts
• Practice Leopold Maneuvers

Supplied with:

• Two umbilical cords
• Two dilating cervices
• Two umbilical clamps
• Two vulval inserts
• One Omni™ controller
• Three vulva for postpartum suturing
• Talcum powder and silicone lubricant
• NOELLE® training guide
• NOELLE® teaching guide with scenarios
• Carrying bag

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