Noelle® Maternal & Neonatal Birthing Simulator Gaumard S550
Noelle® Maternal & Neonatal Birthing Simulator Gaumard S550

Noelle® Maternal & Neonatal Birthing Simulator Gaumard S550

5 (1 votes)


Features     • Full size articulating full-body female • Intubatable airway with chest rise • IV arm for meds/fluids •…
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• Full size articulating full-body female

• Intubatable airway with chest rise
• IV arm for meds/fluids
• Removable stomach cover
• Practice Leopold Maneuvers
• Multiple fetal heart sounds
• Automatic birthing system
• Measure head descent and cervical dilation
• Multiple placenta locations
• Replaceable dilating cervices
• Practice postpartum suturing on vulval inserts
• One articulating birthing baby with placenta
• One resuscitation baby with intubatable airway and umbilical catheter site
• New postpartum hemorrhage and palpation module
• Monitor and log ventilations and chest compressions with Omni™ Code Blue® Pack. View feedback on your Omni™ device or any Windows computer

Detail Produk

Kategori : LAIN-LAIN


• Full size articulating full-body female

• Intubatable airway with chest rise
• IV arm for meds/fluids
• Removable stomach cover
• Practice Leopold Maneuvers
• Multiple fetal heart sounds
• Automatic birthing system
• Measure head descent and cervical dilation
• Multiple placenta locations
• Replaceable dilating cervices
• Practice postpartum suturing on vulval inserts
• One articulating birthing baby with placenta
• One resuscitation baby with intubatable airway and umbilical catheter site
• New postpartum hemorrhage and palpation module
• Monitor and log ventilations and chest compressions with Omni™ Code Blue® Pack. View feedback on your Omni™ device or any Windows computer

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