Omni™ Blood Pressure Arm Pack Gaumard S201.415
Omni™ Blood Pressure Arm Pack Gaumard S201.415

Omni™ Blood Pressure Arm Pack Gaumard S201.415

5 (1 votes)


The Omni Blood Pressure Arm Pack includes a full-size adult left arm that may also be attached to the S201…
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The Omni Blood Pressure Arm Pack includes a full-size adult left arm that may also be attached to the S201 manikin. This is a versatile training tool developed to assist health professionals teach the processes and skills required to perform blood pressure auscultation procedures and techniques



  • Full size left arm that may also be attached to Gaumard manikin
  • Programmable, palpable radial pulse when cuff pressure is less than the selected systolic blood pressure
  • Korotkoff sounds K1 through K4 (K5 is silence) audible between systolic and diastolic pressures
  • Korotkoff sounds are automatically silenced if auscultation gap is selected
  • Korotkoff sounds are automatically adjusted depending upon selected heart rate and the rate of cuff deflation
  • Conventional stethoscope to auscultate Korotkoff sounds in the antecubital area
  • Programmable Blood Pressure Auscultation Tutor
  • Adjustable systolic and diastolic pressures
  • Adjustable auscultation gap
  • Adjustable pulse rate
  • Display tracks cuff pressure
  • International power supply 100 to 240VAC
  • Optional speakers with volume control allow students to hear what the individual student hears while using the stethoscope
  • One Omni controller included
  • Soft carrying bag
  • Instruction manual


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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

The Omni Blood Pressure Arm Pack includes a full-size adult left arm that may also be attached to the S201 manikin. This is a versatile training tool developed to assist health professionals teach the processes and skills required to perform blood pressure auscultation procedures and techniques



  • Full size left arm that may also be attached to Gaumard manikin
  • Programmable, palpable radial pulse when cuff pressure is less than the selected systolic blood pressure
  • Korotkoff sounds K1 through K4 (K5 is silence) audible between systolic and diastolic pressures
  • Korotkoff sounds are automatically silenced if auscultation gap is selected
  • Korotkoff sounds are automatically adjusted depending upon selected heart rate and the rate of cuff deflation
  • Conventional stethoscope to auscultate Korotkoff sounds in the antecubital area
  • Programmable Blood Pressure Auscultation Tutor
  • Adjustable systolic and diastolic pressures
  • Adjustable auscultation gap
  • Adjustable pulse rate
  • Display tracks cuff pressure
  • International power supply 100 to 240VAC
  • Optional speakers with volume control allow students to hear what the individual student hears while using the stethoscope
  • One Omni controller included
  • Soft carrying bag
  • Instruction manual


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