Optima XR200amx
Optima XR200amxOptima XR200amx

Optima XR200amx

5 (1 votes)


Optima XR200amx, based on our revolutionary AMX family of X-ray systems, gives you the freedom to upgrade to a fully…
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Optima XR200amx, based on our revolutionary AMX family of X-ray systems, gives you the freedom to upgrade to a fully integrated digital mobile solution when it aligns with your needs. You can enjoy the ease of use and time-saving advantages Optima XR200amx offers over its predecessor AMX systems:

  • Digital-ready
  • More power in a compact design
  • 24/7 availability, no boot-up required
  • Automatic charging
  • Improved storage

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

Optima XR200amx, based on our revolutionary AMX family of X-ray systems, gives you the freedom to upgrade to a fully integrated digital mobile solution when it aligns with your needs. You can enjoy the ease of use and time-saving advantages Optima XR200amx offers over its predecessor AMX systems:

  • Digital-ready
  • More power in a compact design
  • 24/7 availability, no boot-up required
  • Automatic charging
  • Improved storage

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