Palpation Module for Leopold’s Maneuvers Gaumard S500.3
Palpation Module for Leopold’s Maneuvers Gaumard S500.3

Palpation Module for Leopold’s Maneuvers Gaumard S500.3

5 (1 votes)


    •    One piece fetal baby with palpable fontanelles, spine, shoulders, elbows, and knees     •    Fetal baby may be…
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    •    One piece fetal baby with palpable fontanelles, spine, shoulders, elbows, and knees
    •    Fetal baby may be placed in normal, breech, or transverse position
    •    Fetal baby cradled between two “cushions”
    •    Cushions may be inflated independently of the other; inflation of the lower cushion raises
the fetus to desired posi tion; inflation of the upper cushion creates a firm abdomen as in
the ninth month of pregnancy

    •    Module fits in S500
    •    Fetal baby
    •    Upper and lower cushions that cradle baby
    •    Inflation devices

Detail Produk

Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

    •    One piece fetal baby with palpable fontanelles, spine, shoulders, elbows, and knees
    •    Fetal baby may be placed in normal, breech, or transverse position
    •    Fetal baby cradled between two “cushions”
    •    Cushions may be inflated independently of the other; inflation of the lower cushion raises
the fetus to desired posi tion; inflation of the upper cushion creates a firm abdomen as in
the ninth month of pregnancy

    •    Module fits in S500
    •    Fetal baby
    •    Upper and lower cushions that cradle baby
    •    Inflation devices

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