Philips HD11XE Ultrasound System
Philips HD11XE Ultrasound System

Philips HD11XE Ultrasound System

5 (1 votes)


The HD-11xe is an excellent shared service machine that balances price and performance perfectly with access to high end features…
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The HD-11xe is an excellent shared service machine that balances price and performance perfectly with access to high end features such as 4D and excellent cardiac support. The “xe” version adds an LCD monitor on an articulating arm and software upgrades such as Qlab.

Philips HD11XE Ultrasound System Philips HD11XE Ultrasound System Philips HD11XE Ultrasound System Philips HD11XE Ultrasound System


FeaturesTissue Harmonic Imaging

Spatial Compounding

Speckle Reduction (=X RES)

Auto Image Opt(B mode)(= iSCAN)

Auto Image Opt(Doppler)(= Iscan)

Write Zoon

Triplex Mode

Needle Enhancement

Auto NT Measurement (=Sono NT)

Auto Follicle 2D Measurement

Auto Follicle 3D Measurement

Auto IMT

Auto IMT (Real Time)

Automated B/M/D Measurement

Automated LH Measurement

Live Dual (B/BC) Mode

SmartExam or Ease Protocol


Raw Data File

Flexible Report

Barcode Reader

Gel Warmer



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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

The HD-11xe is an excellent shared service machine that balances price and performance perfectly with access to high end features such as 4D and excellent cardiac support. The “xe” version adds an LCD monitor on an articulating arm and software upgrades such as Qlab.

Philips HD11XE Ultrasound System Philips HD11XE Ultrasound System Philips HD11XE Ultrasound System Philips HD11XE Ultrasound System


FeaturesTissue Harmonic Imaging

Spatial Compounding

Speckle Reduction (=X RES)

Auto Image Opt(B mode)(= iSCAN)

Auto Image Opt(Doppler)(= Iscan)

Write Zoon

Triplex Mode

Needle Enhancement

Auto NT Measurement (=Sono NT)

Auto Follicle 2D Measurement

Auto Follicle 3D Measurement

Auto IMT

Auto IMT (Real Time)

Automated B/M/D Measurement

Automated LH Measurement

Live Dual (B/BC) Mode

SmartExam or Ease Protocol


Raw Data File

Flexible Report

Barcode Reader

Gel Warmer



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