Philips IntelliVue MP5T Patient Monitor
Philips IntelliVue MP5T Patient Monitor

Philips IntelliVue MP5T Patient Monitor

5 (1 votes)


Product Description Philips IntelliVue Telemetry system is ideal for progressive care, whether patients are stepping down from critical care or…
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Product Description

Philips IntelliVue Telemetry system is ideal for progressive care, whether patients are stepping down from critical care or up from the general floor. Lightweight, patient-worn devices help to ensure patients remain ambulatory while monitoring continuous ECG and, optionally, SpO2. The IntelliVue MP5T offers you increased freedom, too. Simply roll the MP5T from patient to patient for vital signs spot checks, set it up as a bedside monitor, or use it in transport to and from your Progressive Care Unit.

Wireless telemetry as a parameter(WTAAP) is a short-range connectivitymethod between IntelliVue monitors1andIntelliVue Telemetry to provide untetheredin-room accessto telemetry data. WTAAP enables monitoring around the patient bed and within the patient room automatically switching to IntelliVue Smart-hopping radio when patient moves beyond bedside range.

When you connect the MP5T to a patient worn device, measurements from both devices are automatically paired and sent to the IntelliVue Information Center. You can easily take vital signs for every patient in the unit without worrying about matching measurementsto patient records after the fact.

Detail Produk

Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

Product Description

Philips IntelliVue Telemetry system is ideal for progressive care, whether patients are stepping down from critical care or up from the general floor. Lightweight, patient-worn devices help to ensure patients remain ambulatory while monitoring continuous ECG and, optionally, SpO2. The IntelliVue MP5T offers you increased freedom, too. Simply roll the MP5T from patient to patient for vital signs spot checks, set it up as a bedside monitor, or use it in transport to and from your Progressive Care Unit.

Wireless telemetry as a parameter(WTAAP) is a short-range connectivitymethod between IntelliVue monitors1andIntelliVue Telemetry to provide untetheredin-room accessto telemetry data. WTAAP enables monitoring around the patient bed and within the patient room automatically switching to IntelliVue Smart-hopping radio when patient moves beyond bedside range.

When you connect the MP5T to a patient worn device, measurements from both devices are automatically paired and sent to the IntelliVue Information Center. You can easily take vital signs for every patient in the unit without worrying about matching measurementsto patient records after the fact.

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