SonoScape A6 2014 new
SonoScape A6 2014 new

SonoScape A6 2014 new

5 (1 votes)


Very affordable portable ultrasound with basic imaging modes and a variety of probe options 10" LCD color monitor. 1 probe included:…
sold out

Very affordable portable ultrasound with basic imaging modes and a variety of probe options 10″ LCD color monitor. 1 probe included:
L745 (5-11MHz) Linear 
C351 (2-6MHz) Convex

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

Very affordable portable ultrasound with basic imaging modes and a variety of probe options 10″ LCD color monitor. 1 probe included:
L745 (5-11MHz) Linear 
C351 (2-6MHz) Convex

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