Susie and Simon Newborn Adv. Care Simulator Gaumard S100
Susie and Simon Newborn Adv. Care Simulator Gaumard S100

Susie and Simon Newborn Adv. Care Simulator Gaumard S100

5 (1 votes)


Features • Soft and flexible faceskin • Self-molded hair • Realistic eyes • NG exercises to demonstrate tube feeding and…
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• Soft and flexible faceskin

• Self-molded hair
• Realistic eyes
• NG exercises to demonstrate tube feeding and gastric suction
• Simulated ear canal
• Soft arms and legs rotate within the torso body for lifelike feel and position
• Soft hands, feet, fingers, and toes
• Heel stick and finger prick technique
• Soft upper body skin over torso for “babylike” feel
• Bathing and bandaging activity
• Intramuscular injection in upper thigh
• Interchangeable genitalia
• Urethral passage and bladder
• Male and female catheterization
• Enema administration
• T-shirt and diapers
• Soft carrying bag
• Instruction manual

Detail Produk

Kategori : LAIN-LAIN


• Soft and flexible faceskin

• Self-molded hair
• Realistic eyes
• NG exercises to demonstrate tube feeding and gastric suction
• Simulated ear canal
• Soft arms and legs rotate within the torso body for lifelike feel and position
• Soft hands, feet, fingers, and toes
• Heel stick and finger prick technique
• Soft upper body skin over torso for “babylike” feel
• Bathing and bandaging activity
• Intramuscular injection in upper thigh
• Interchangeable genitalia
• Urethral passage and bladder
• Male and female catheterization
• Enema administration
• T-shirt and diapers
• Soft carrying bag
• Instruction manual

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