Urine analizer	UA-66 mindray
Urine analizer	UA-66 mindray

Urine analizer UA-66 mindray

5 (1 votes)


Typical Users: Small laboratories; Pet hospitals; Research centers Features: . Cold-light source with high luminosity, long shelf life . Innovative…
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Typical Users:
Small laboratories; Pet hospitals; Research centers

. Cold-light source with high luminosity, long shelf life
. Innovative light sensor, high sensitivity
. Flags abnormal results
. Storage of 1,000 testing results
. Built-in thermal printer
. 5.7″ Large LCD display, Resolution: 240×128

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

Typical Users:
Small laboratories; Pet hospitals; Research centers

. Cold-light source with high luminosity, long shelf life
. Innovative light sensor, high sensitivity
. Flags abnormal results
. Storage of 1,000 testing results
. Built-in thermal printer
. 5.7″ Large LCD display, Resolution: 240×128

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