Ostwald Viscometer
Ostwald Viscometer

Ostwald Viscometer

5 (1 votes)


Specifications ostwald viscometer : Ostwald viscometers - fi lling quantity: 3 ml overall length: approx. 220 mm suitable for measurements…
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Specifications ostwald viscometer :

  • Ostwald viscometers – fi lling quantity: 3 ml
  • overall length: approx. 220 mm
  • suitable for measurements of small liquid quantities even with extreme formation of foam.
  • calibrated, with ring marks, with constant, for manual measurements

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Kategori : Viskometer

Specifications ostwald viscometer :

  • Ostwald viscometers – fi lling quantity: 3 ml
  • overall length: approx. 220 mm
  • suitable for measurements of small liquid quantities even with extreme formation of foam.
  • calibrated, with ring marks, with constant, for manual measurements

No Comments to “Ostwald Viscometer”

  1. Ardi Santoso -

    Harganya berapa dan untuk pengukuran DIN/ASTM mm2/s sampai berapa?
    sebelumnya terima kasih.

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