Watherbath	Thermo Scientific Precision@Digital Circulating Water Baths
Watherbath	Thermo Scientific Precision@Digital Circulating Water Baths

Watherbath Thermo Scientific Precision@Digital Circulating Water Baths

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Precision™ Digital Circulating Water Baths Thermo Scientific™ Precision Digital Circulating Water Baths are microprocessor controlled and combine simplicity with excellent…
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Precision™ Digital Circulating Water Baths

Thermo Scientific™ Precision Digital Circulating Water Baths are microprocessor controlled and combine simplicity with excellent temperature uniformity. Ideal for applications where temperature uniformity and control are critical, such as enzymes and serology. Available in three different models, these high performance baths include a stainless-steel gable cover and diffuser shelf.

– See more at: http://www.thermoscientific.com/content/tfs/en/product/precision-digital-circulating-water-baths.html#sthash.ne0Ygf6s.dpuf

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Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

Precision™ Digital Circulating Water Baths

Thermo Scientific™ Precision Digital Circulating Water Baths are microprocessor controlled and combine simplicity with excellent temperature uniformity. Ideal for applications where temperature uniformity and control are critical, such as enzymes and serology. Available in three different models, these high performance baths include a stainless-steel gable cover and diffuser shelf.

– See more at: http://www.thermoscientific.com/content/tfs/en/product/precision-digital-circulating-water-baths.html#sthash.ne0Ygf6s.dpuf

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