Scilogex 300001 DILVAC Portable Dry-Ice Maker
Scilogex 300001 DILVAC Portable Dry-Ice MakerScilogex 300001 DILVAC Portable Dry-Ice Maker

Scilogex 300001 DILVAC Portable Dry-Ice Maker

5 (1 votes)


Dilvac Portable Dry-Ice Maker  Dimensions of Dry-Ice Maker   Dimensions of block produced 8.9" Long x 6.3" Wide x 6.3" High…
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Dilvac Portable Dry-Ice Maker 

Dimensions of Dry-Ice Maker   Dimensions of block produced
8.9″ Long x 6.3″ Wide x 6.3″ High 7.0″ Long x 3.2″ Wide x 4.3″ High

The DILVAC Portable Dry-Ice Maker is the fastest way of providing a block of Dry-Ice for your needs. It is compact and lightweight, requires no electrical power and is safe and simple to use. Most importantly it is there to give you immediate access to Dry-Ice (-109.3°F) when you need it. The economy of having Dry-Ice ‘on-tap’ can provide considerable financial savings.

The DILVAC Portable Dry-Ice Maker produces a block (not slush!) of approximately 2.2Lbs (1KG) in weight in about 1 minute. Yield from a 75 lbs liquid cylinder – 5 to 6 blocks at room temperature. (Yield can appreciably increase at lower ambient temperatures, i.e. @ 41°F approximately 1/3 more blocks may be produced.)


Brosur 547 Scilogex DILVAC Portable Dry Ice Maker, 300001

Detail Produk

Kategori : LAIN-LAIN

Dilvac Portable Dry-Ice Maker 

Dimensions of Dry-Ice Maker   Dimensions of block produced
8.9″ Long x 6.3″ Wide x 6.3″ High 7.0″ Long x 3.2″ Wide x 4.3″ High

The DILVAC Portable Dry-Ice Maker is the fastest way of providing a block of Dry-Ice for your needs. It is compact and lightweight, requires no electrical power and is safe and simple to use. Most importantly it is there to give you immediate access to Dry-Ice (-109.3°F) when you need it. The economy of having Dry-Ice ‘on-tap’ can provide considerable financial savings.

The DILVAC Portable Dry-Ice Maker produces a block (not slush!) of approximately 2.2Lbs (1KG) in weight in about 1 minute. Yield from a 75 lbs liquid cylinder – 5 to 6 blocks at room temperature. (Yield can appreciably increase at lower ambient temperatures, i.e. @ 41°F approximately 1/3 more blocks may be produced.)


Brosur 547 Scilogex DILVAC Portable Dry Ice Maker, 300001

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